The Heroine and her companions

Taking business dreams into action is such a grande adventure.

It’s midnight and I can’t sleep. I am thinking about my choices and my direction if I really want my art to be a viable business. My mind is jumping through lots of ideas as I consider what I need to do am getting clearer about the next steps I need to take. I have done so much big picture work this year to set up my business but really got stuck on the details. The superhero metaphor has helped me get clearer on my ideas.

I have this image of a superhero…let’s call her Big Picture Chick. She looks a little like Wonder Woman standing confidently with her hands on her hips and her shiny puss in boots. She is all about the whole story and not particularly good at looking at the details that are needed for her business. She has all the shiny products and merchandise available on her beautiful artsy website and lots of social media links. As she stands there surveying her creations, she wonders why her mailing list is small and the sales are low. This makes Big Picture Chick sad and confused as she believed that she had done everything right.
She is hope marketing. A very dangerous space to be in business if she  is to fly. Luckily her companion arrives just in time. Nurturing Focus is great at the details and knows how to choose a direction and stick to it. An essential element in order to move forward. In this case the choice is to look at jewellery as a beginning point for an adventure into the scary world of marketing which confused Big Picture Chick as she did not know which path to take and hope may have been a friend but was really not that helpful. Not surprising really when she had so many choices and kept looking at what was beyond the horizon as there was always something new to explore. Nurturing Focus is a natural detective and researches all the ways to make the leap from the art doing place of Big Picture Chick to the grounded space of strategically planning the next steps through grounded research. This is the space needed to make the big dreams real.
Now I’m sure your keen to know what happens next but really I’m not sure yet as the story is still unfolding and I’ve decided that this might just be a good adventure to share as I discover what it takes to be Nurturing Focus and to shift between all those big ideas and real world connections…really it is always about connections.
My first steps has been about creating lists and steps to take so my ? monkey mind doesn’t get too distracted because I really do love shiny things…and will jump from one shiny thing to the next. Yes, this is lots of fun and I am here to find joy but I also know that my hearts desire is to share, inspire and encourage others to connect with their creative spiritual path and right now I am attempting to shift out of the stuck stage. Stuck in my studio space loving every moment but isolated. Time to start sharing and planning nurturing ways to do this that bring me joy and help me step more fully into my dreaming. I’m making commitments to specific actions so I’m accountable …I will give you regular updates along the way and track the journey steps that Nurturing Focus makes possible.
Not sure if I can keep up the quirky superhero metaphor but as it was keeping me awake, I thought I needed to clear it out if my head. Welcome to my marketing learning space as I move from hope to action…oh no my mind wants a new superhero name now….the part that actually does the things that are needed once all the research and background understanding has been built by Nurturing Focus. I think I will just have to sleep on that one as it’s definitely bed time.
Crystal Light….the next part in the adventure.

Morning and time to image my understandings

Big Picture Chick and her two trusted companions plan their big adventure

I am such a Big Picture Chick and this is where I need to make some shifts. I’ve decided to focus on one area for awhile with a plan to get my head around marketing strategies and what’s possible. To do this I have to stop going all Big picture and focus on nurturing one thing so I can make a difference. This is about nurturing focus by looking at all the details that have been a bit overwhelming and so I get stuck and go and paint. The easy fun option??. Online is challenging as consistency is key so I’m going to try a new approach and tell my marketing story as I try different things. Thinking about all this meant I created the Mapping 2017 image as I clarify what it is I want and where I am going. All these area are essential but spending too much time in one means that the whole business is out of balance and is set up to fail. Time for new strategies and a new year. Notice I’m starting before new year as this is a business strategy not a New Years resolution. Let’s see how I go as I start with accountability and 3 posts a week to Insta and my blog. Need to check out Hootsuite unless anyone else knows a better social media sharing platform. ❤️❤️❤️suggestions as I grow my ?biz ??strategies and explore. New and nervous about the next step but ready for my next big adventure. ❤️that I have holiday time from my day job to really focus so I can share my intuitive inspirational ?❤️️and focus on finding my tribe. Really open to collaboration and looking for connections and opportunities. Just thought I’d put that out there as well as wanting a spiritual biz running buddy….Anyway, now you know how my mind works… wish me lots of miracles and blessings as I step through the threshold and into this new ? of making connections and finding like minded souls ready to play and come on a creative adventure with me.

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